
My hope

 writing this in ot, waiting patient for suction curettage case.  today, i keep thinking about last night, last i bring anak anak to the sushi for the first time in their life, dine in there. I saw abang, nia and aqil were really happy to experience new things in their life, then i bring them to arched, they seems really enjoyed that. Abang of course playing racing car, basketball. Meanwhile nia and aqil playing almost all of the game. They really enjoyed that, me myself, happy to see them happy, but also sad at some part of me, i feel really sorry for my babies, they maybe wish they will be happier with their dad around, i m sorry babies, i cant make that happen anymore, i really cant. I know all of you are sad, really sad, i could see that trough your eye, i can see how's abang react with me, its seem a bit awkward, he didnt want to talk much with me as always, i missed him, really.. I miss abang the one call ibu for couple of time just for me to listen to his story, i miss ...

i need helps

I’ve been holding this feeling for so long, keep telling myself everything gonna be okay, keep telling myself one day I finally get out of that life that I just live because I need to. I just want everyone, every human in my life just to be okay, meanwhile, those feelings eat me up inside, I'm in pain, the pain gets worst every time I feel I’m not okay. The cry getting louder every time I cry, the feeling getting explode sometimes and I can't control, my kids saw me sometimes and they get scared, I’m not hurting anyone but I start trow things, smashing things, the last things I do before I get out of that house, I took a long knife and stab it on the bed over and over again. I’m so sorry my baby, I didn't want you to see any of that, but you feel pain, and ibu can't control that. The stress that ibu had was so much pain and if ibu could, ibu just want to stab my own heart so I could take away that pain. Sorry if ibu forget that all of you are around me and you get scare...

hate myself

Aku benci diri sendiri.

cerita ntah ape2.:)

pale pusing.mne xnye da kol  3pgi. aku nie bila xtgk page kosong byk je benda yg dicerita,  bila tgk page blank nie.otak aku pon blank..betol sgt la kata in yg aku pandai tulis?yeke?tulis smua org pon boleh tulis, tpi isinye tue.kdng2 ntah ape2 pon kan.:) & klu korang rasa xsuka baca bnda yg ntah pe2 korang dipersilakan kembali ke  home  korang.xpon ke  profile  koram, tgk page sndiri.hahahha.:D sejak akhir2 nie soalan paling kerap org tnya aku,  'betol ke ko single' .pelik ke?pelik la kot.mungkin r, sbb aku tau umo aku da 'banyak'.aku sedar smua tue, tpi nk wat cmne.mmg aku cmtue skrg. xcaya rujuk status aku.  *featured peOple -> tgk kat relationship status, tertera kat situe * single .hahahaha. & seb baik xde choice yg leh aku  tmbah  'available' .tpi klu ada aku xtau, mungkin r.:) bercakap sal single mingle nie, sbnarnye bila umo aku da byk nie, soalan tue agak penat nk dgar..hmm.nape?pelik sgt ke  klu umo byk cmnie ...

suasana itu.

renyai2 hujan turun membasahi tingkap kereta. membuatkan anak kecil itu terkenangankan sesuatu. rasa itu, hnya disitue dan saat itu.. hati kecil itu mrindui suasana yang sama,  tapi sgt berbeza,  kenapa hujan kali tiada bau daun2 hijau, kenapa hujan kali nie tiada bau bayu laut, kenapa hujan kali nie tiada bunyi air,  kenapa hujan kali nie tiada bunyi ombak, kenapa hujan kali nie xsejuk, sesejuk disana,  dan kenapa hujan kali nie xmampu tenangkan hati anak kecil itu,  xmampu redakan rasa susah hati dihatinye,  xmampu hiburkan hatinye, xmampu hentikan airmatanye,  xmampu untuk ubati rindunye,  pada hujan yg berbeza itu.. saat hujan turun membasahi bumi,  airmata anak kecil itu gugur,  terkenangankan hujan disana,  terkenangkan suasana,  disaat hujan yg berbeza,  dimana anak kcil itu sgt kecil,  berlari2 ditepian,  bergelak ketawa bersama2,  mendongak ke langit menadah hujan,  yg membasahi mereka semua,...


susah hati. xtau nk share ngn sape siapa akan fhm? xde siapa.. ku hadapi 2 khidupan yg aku sndiri xpasti. ntah.aku tau.aku nk ngis je.aku sgt penat.sgt susah hati.

rasa ku.

jika nk diungkapkan kat sini.aku blur. tiap kali aku tatap ruang kosong nie, aku jdi xtau pe nk tulis pdhal dlm pale nie, byk gler nk aku ckp.nk aku luahkan. sbenarnye kita diberi ruang dan peluang, waktu yg ad untuk kita berkfirir, jalan yg mana kita pilih, dan jalan yg mna ingin kita lalui Alhamdulillah, aku diberi peluang untuk decide hdup aku sndri oleh mak dan abah aku, aku bersyukur sgt. sbb aku salah sorg diberi kebebasan untuk aku fkir sndiri untuk hdup aku, walaupon xsepenuhnye, tpi aku sgt berterima ksih untuk mak dan abah. lgi2 mak, sentiasa sokong aku, bgi pendapat supaya aku fikir blik ap yg aku nk wat, mak sntiasa phm ape yg aku rasa. mak sentiasa ckp last2 cmnie."mira rasa tue yg terbaik mak ok je"..terima kasih mak.mira minta maaf ngn mak mira xguna lgi skrg byk wasting my age untuk bls jasa mak, but insyaAllah mak, xlama lgi.i'll make u proud mak. bercerita is best half part of me, but trough mulut lgi fluent nk dbandingan kan dgn tulisan i guess, but i...